Portrait Photography

Digital Citizenship

The statistics i have learned over the Digital Citizenship Presentation were that there was a lot of parents that actually talked to their kids about being safe online. In my experience, my mom, to my knowledge, never talked to me about the safety online. That being said, I automatically knew what was safe and not. It was basic common sense for me. There was something stating that Facebook was more visited than YouTube was. This was very surprising to me. Example being “gangnam style,” that has over a billion views. Colleges look at all of your social networks on applications, so on your digital footprint you need to stay positive if you want a leading college to accept.

How the Universe Began

I believe that the world began by a Huge rock, with gases inside it, exploded. It exploded an bits and pieces and just spread out everywhere. I also believe that God made that rock and had a purpose for it exploding. That is what I think happened, and how the Universe was made.