All i can think about

     Your all I can think about on a summers day when im laughing and chilling with my friends. Your all I can think about when im watching tv. Your all I can think about when im in the car. Your all I can think about anytime of the day. When i think of you it just makes my day.


     One life lesson that I have learned is to never put your sprinkler under your trampoline. Do not attempt this because you might get hurt.

     Summer of last year I got really bored with my cousin Taylor and my brother Dylan. So we started thinking of some ideas that would be fun. I was staring outside my window when I glanced at our sprinkler. Right there I had an idea. I ran as fast as I could to go get the sprinkler when I got it I said “You guys want to have some fun?” Then I walked out in our backyard and put the sprinkler under the trampoline.

     After my cousin and my brother took their socks off we started to jump. It was so fun! When we got tired of jumping we started to wrestle. Of course they had to gang up on ME. My brother tackled me and I fell down as soon as I got up he hit me again this time smooth off the trampoline. I fell on my knee and it hurt really badly. But I got back on and started wresting again.

      This is why I learned not to put a sprinkler under your trampoline. When I fell off it hurt and I think I sprained it, but after that day I never got on my trampoline with a sprinkler under it.

What did you say?



     The one sense that I would hate to lose would be hearing. If I couldn’t hear I couldn’t hear the voice of my parents, friends or even my dog barking. If I woke up one morning and couldn’t hear I would be so scared.  I wouldn’t be able to listen to my friends at school.  My life would be terrible if I couldn’t hear. If you can’t hear sometimes it can be dangerous. For instance if your driving and a cop pulls you over and you don’t hear the siren you could get in big trouble.

     I wouldn’t be able to hear my mom wake me up in the morning. The most devastating thing about not being able to hear is that you can’t hear your music on your Ipod.  I wouldn’t even be able to play baseball! The one thing I would hate the most is not being able to play on my Xbox and talk to my friends.  If I were not able to hear I would go nuts every day! That is why I would hate losing my sense of hearing.




As I walk into

Her old house

I can smell

Bacon and waffles

And fresh brewed

Sweet tea…



As I look into

The living room

I can see my

Cousin and I

Watching T.V…



As I am leaving

Her house I can

See my grand mom

In the dim lighted door

Back from church…



I am standing in front

Of her house when I

Look at the For Sale

Sign in her yard, and

I say I will never forget you.


By: Tanner Davis

Berlin Journalism


In Berlin today we are so sad to say that our Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is lying dead here today.

It was started when the Americans came here to Germany on their fancy new boats. The Americans wanted the Nazi salvation to end. We had our entire Nazi army to try to stop them, but the Americans were way to over powered.

The Americans were so strong that Adolf had to send back up twice! Adolf Hitler shot himself in the head when the Americans and the Soviet Union invaded his bunker right here in Berlin. If you see anyone trying to harm any Jew in this country stop them and tell them that the war is over. We are also letting all the Jews out of the concentration camps. If you know were a concentration camp is you should go to that camp and free the Jews now! We the people of Berlin, Germany are having a funeral for Adolf Hitler and all of the other soldiers that died during this World War tonight at ten o ‘clock. See you there!


The Charity fundraiser at the funeral was a huge success! We raised 43.8 million Euro’s for all of the orphans in Germany. We were selling Flowers and hats for all the children who lost a loved one during the battle. We also need to raise money to rebuild the city that we live in. We are cutting this journal today short. Have a great day!

My Drum Set

     On Christmas Eve I got to open presents at my grandparent’s house, but we had to wait until my uncle got there to open them. The last present I opened was a normal sized box. I thought it was another video game. When I opened that present there was two pairs of drumsticks sitting right in the middle of the colorful box. I heard a faint voice that sounded like “Come in here Tanner”. So I did. When i got into to their den I saw my grandpa standing in front of something. Could it be! Yes it is my very own drum set!